Starting my 3rd Wendler Cycle and i'm pumped!  I havn't gone far enough to be PR'ing in the cycle but I am getting stronger no doubt.  If progress continues i'm thinking i'll keep this up through 5 or 6 cycles and then re-test some old CrossFit workouts to see the progress

Wendler Week 1/Day 1:
5 Reps @ 65% max (155lb)
5 Reps @ 75% max (180lb)
AMRAP @ 85% max (205lb)

WOD: From Mainsite - Benchmark
5 rounds:
400m Run
15 Overhead Squat (95lb)
Wendler Week 3/Day 1:
5 Reps @ 75% max (165lb)
3 Reps @ 85% max (185lb)
AMRAP @ 95% max (210lb)


From OneWorld and altered

AMRAP 12 minutes:
5 Overhead Squats w/ no rack (95lb) or Front Squats w/ no rack (135lb)
10 Knees to elbows
15 Double Unders or Tuck Jumps
3 Manmakers (20lb DBs)

*NOTES: No Rack means weight comes off the floor
I know there has been a lot of double unders lately so I provided an alternative or feel free to scale to single reps
Manmaker review - Hold dumbells in your hands, jump out to push up position, do 1 push up and then row with your left hand, perform another pushup and then row with you right hand, jump your feet to your hands, perform a power clean thruster...that is one rep
Feel free to Scale 3 on the squats to a weight that makes sense for you... I think it should be a weight you can't always get all 5 in one set on

From Littleton:

5 Rounds for Total Reps of:

1 Min Overhead Squat @95lb (or see below if you aren't comfortable)
Rest 1 Minute
1 Min Push-Ups
Rest 1 Minute

Post Total O-Squat Reps and Total Push-Ups

Scale 1:

Scale 2:
Knee Push-Ups

Going for total reps here people!  If you cannot or don't feel good doing overhead squats, please do a Back or front squat at an appropriate weight (something less than 15-20 reps in first round)

Rich: 150total reps RX'd (they didn't break it out for him)

Front Squat
5/5/5 (increase weight each set)
full rest


5 Rounds:
9 Deadlift (115/75)
6 Hang power Clean(115/75)
3 Overhead squat (115/75)

10 Minute Cut-Off

Scale 1:

Scale 2:

I will be doing scale 1

_Back Squat: 5/5/5
Max rep L-Chin Up between sets

15 O-Squats (105lb) (no rack, weight comes off the ground)
15 KB Swings (45lb)
50 DU’s
10 O-Squats
10 KB Swings
50 DU’s
5 O-Squats
5 KB Swings
50 DU’s

12 min cutoff

Penalty: 20 burpees, then finish workout and post time.
_WOD: Stolen from OneWorld
Overhead Squat 5/5/5 (Do a snatch to get the weight up there on each set unless you can squat too much)


10 Rounds:
1 Clean & Jerk (choose heaviest you can do)
5 pull up - or bent over row if pull up bar is occupado
10 push up
15 air squat

Two rounds for time of:
95 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps
15 L Pull-ups (or chin-ups)
95 pound Split-jerk or Squat jerk, 15 reps
15 Knees to elbows
95 pound Hang clean, 15 reps
15 Back extensions, with 25 pounds

- 'L' means have your legs straight out in front of you, obviously no kipping
- Do the Jerk from your shoulders (or the 'rack' position), from the ground is called a snatch.  Feel free to do it split or not depending on your comfort level

I scaled this from 3 to 2 rounds instead of going lighter so I could work on these...but I may find that I need to scale it to 75 or 80 anyway, do what makes you work but doesn't make a weight fall on your head
Squat 3x5 (add 5 lbs to last workout)

2 Rounds:
AMRAP 7 min
5 Power snatch + overhead squat (60lb) - 1 rep is power snatch, then overhead squat
5 Burpees
10 Overhead Lunges (60lb)

Rest 3 min.

Scale as necessary.  I will be using whatever the heaviest pre-loaded bars we have are, which I think is 60.  This is likely going to be somewhat metcon but adding those complex moves, even at light weight, should provide a nice challenge and practice...especially after heavy squatting.

WOD:"The Horrible Hundred"

Complete the following for time:

25 Deadlifts (m - 215# / w - 175#)
25 Squat clean (m - 125# / w - 85#)
25 Thruster (m - 75# / w - 55#)
25 Overhead squat (m - 45# / w - 35#)

You will use one bar for the entire workout, stripping weights for
each movement. The rx'd men's 45# bar will loaded in the following
order to start the workout: 15# plates, then add 25# plates, and then
add 45# plates. The rx'd women's will be 35# bar loaded in the
following order: 10# plates, then add 15# plates, and then add 45#

Wanted to have a "big" lift kind of day to set up a metcon for Saturday.

Another good benchmark we can start tracking on the Personal Bests page.  Results from last time:
All dated 2/13/11 (ish)
Rich: 13:43 Rx'd
Joe: 15:20 Rx'd
Brian: 15:31 (75lb DBs, 45lb DBs, 30lb DBs, 45lb plate)

This was 4.5 months ago so I want to see PRs (or just from me if you guys aren't caught up)

Something a little different as people try to catch up.

5 rounds - Max Pull ups
Rest as necessary between rounds.  When you let go of the bar you are done for that round

20 Power Snatches + Overhead Squat (60lb bar)
Not for time.  Just to work on the form for both movements as they are difficult

30 Good Mornings (60 lbs)
Not for time.  Work on the form, these are great movements that work a TON of your body.

Post your feelings to the comments